Episode 97: Samantha E Cutler

3 Key Pieces of Wisdom From My 20’s

This week Sam is solo and sharing her insights on turning thirty. She give us her top three tips that she has learned in her 20's and is bringing into her 30's.

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Podcast Script

Sam: [00:00:00] Monetize your passion for wellbeing like a job you love every single day. Find a happy life from a healthy lifestyle. What's up guys. This is Spin, Skin and Other Addictions, a podcast by me, Samantha E Cutler of The Fit Fatale. Each week I'm going to take you deeper into the world of wellness with entrepreneurs who are building brands designed to better your life.

[00:00:27] So you'll be hearing from fitness gurus, medical specialists, and influencers in the world of fitness, health, beauty, and nutrition. I hope you guys love it. Let's get down.

 Sam: [00:00:39] It's about focusing on the micro because ultimately that becomes the macro. And as we look at each and every little piece that adds up to where we want to go, we need to continuously feel gratitude, reflect on how much work we put into it and celebrate those little wins because they add up over time to the big picture.

[00:01:02] Hello, and welcome to another episode of spin, skin and other addictions. It is yours, truly Sam Cutler. And I am so excited for this. What's going to be going down with the podcast here. So we're going to be switching up a few things on spin, skin and other addictions. We are normally thriving off of our incredible guests, such powerful women and men and specialists in the health field.

[00:01:28] And we're going to continue to bring you all of their knowledge, but we're also going to be mixing things up for the next few months and incorporating some of my knowledge and some of my little tidbits that I share with you guys, the way I do on Instagram, on Tik Tok, on the blog, all of that stuff, but just bringing it here to the podcast for really quick digestible and easy to listen to episode.

[00:01:49] So you can expect over the next few months, 10, 15, 20 minute episodes from me, just sharing must have health tricks and tips, um, different things in questions. We're going to do some, ask me anything episodes. So all of those good things think of it like prolonged Instagram stories where I usually get to gem on and talk to you for five frames.

[00:02:13] But here we go, I'll have a few more minutes and we can chat and converse about what is going on in my life or things that are just really working for me or not working for me. So I'm excited to bring this series to the podcast, switch things up, but of course we will still have so many incredible guests and we have already recorded a bunch of those for fall. So I'm really excited and they are going to love all of the information they have to do. Um, but this week I'm kicking off sharing that information about these short little episodes with a short little tidbit episode. And if you've been following my IG, you've probably seen that I am in my birthday week.

[00:02:54] So I'm turning 30. I usually do a podcast episode for my birthday. I've had Trevor interview me, I've had my best friend Kira interview me talking about tips or what my year has been like, milestones, all that kind of stuff. But I don't know if it's because of COVID or if it's because of turning 30, which seems like this huge looming number over your head.

[00:03:19] I just sort of felt like doing this episode alone. Um, and because we are going to be launching these little solo episodes, I thought, why not? What? A better time to do it than now. And so I want to share with you, like many people do when they graduate to a new era or decade. Some of my tidbits that I've learned over my twenties and things that have really helped me thrive and continue to grow and challenge myself.

[00:03:45] But I also wanted to share a little bit how I'm feeling. So I'm going to start with the, how I'm feeling, because I think that's top of mind for me right now. Turning 30 has been a big mindset shift for me and I haven't quite turned 30 yet. I'll be 30 in a few days. The way I'm thinking about things has changed.

[00:04:10] It was like the second we got into my birthday week, or the second week I entered, you know, closest to that birthday. I just started thinking about things differently. And I started putting a lot of pressure on myself to be somewhere.  And you know, me normally I'm like living in the moment, I'm feeling super present.

[00:04:28] I'm excited about where I'm at, where I'm going. And I am, and I feel that, but for some reason, this 30 number, like just looms over my head. I don't know if you guys are friends fans, but I've watched every single episode a million times. And they showed each of them turning 30 and had like their own dedicated episodes.

[00:04:45] And I just remember Joey turning 30 and just yelling and yelling. God, why? Like we had an agreement, why am I turning it 30? And at the end of the day, I'm actually so excited to enter my thirties. I feel like there's so much shit I would love to leave behind for my twenties. I don't need it. Don't want it, learned, grew from it and moving forward, but there's just this sort of.

[00:05:11] Impact that it becomes a little bit more serious and that it becomes much more of a big age, this like priority to buy a house and get married and have kids and all of these different pressures, many of which I'm nowhere near. And I just wanted to share this because if anyone's listening, turning a big birthday, or even if it's not about your birthday and there's just things coming up like holidays, or you're watching your friends or people that aren't your friends, social media, personalities, or influencers. Share, and continuously post about all these huge things happening in their life and how they're here at this age. Right. That I just want to remind everyone that we are exactly where we should be.

[00:05:54] And I say this as a reminder to myself as well, because I've done a lot of self-reflection in the past few days and I felt really heavy about  turning this age, like try to figure out, okay, well, I want to look my best. You know, I want to feel my best. I want to put my best foot forward and go into this new decade thriving.

[00:06:14] And I want my career to be in the perfect place. And I also have to clean my house and I also have to Marie condo and get all my junk out and like, hang on, wait, everybody else is engaged and married and has kids and has a house and all these things. And then you just snowball and you end up in this place where you're feeling like really sort of shitty and depressed about your life.

[00:06:33] And I was kind of doing that a little bit and I was catching myself, like, where are you going with this? Like, what is the purpose for this? And ultimately the only way out of the darkness in my experience is to focus on the light. And so in doing that, I've taken some time to reflect on my twenties and how good it feels and how much I've accomplished and where I've come from and what I've learned and where I will not go back to. I promise I won't, but I did want to share this because I feel like so many people feel this and it's not just about a big birthday or a big event or something like that, but we continuously compare ourselves.

[00:07:16] We continuously compare ourselves. Media and the internet has just made that so fricking easy. And I'm so sorry, because I do play into that. I play a part of that. I share my life. I  share what's normal. What's not normal. I share. What's great. I, you know, and so a lot of people, you know, even if I share the shitty days with my breakouts and my breakdowns and my really dark times, you may just open it and you may just see the post where everything looks good and everything feels good. And so I think what we need to do and focus on, and I'm focusing on, as we move into my thirties is really about me. It's about me. So where I'm at, it's my yard stick. And I got to just keep bringing it back to that and focusing on where I've come from and what I've achieved.

[00:08:05] So with that in mind, I'm not going to keep you guys here too long. These are supposed to be short, fun, convos that you can get to listen to. But I did want to share a few things that I feel like are the most important that I've learned in my twenties.

[00:08:19] The first one is taking it one step at a time. I feel like this is the most important thing that anyone can learn in their life.

[00:08:31] And that doesn't matter whether that is about your career, whether that is about a new health kick. It's about focusing on the micro because ultimately that becomes the macro. And as we look at each and every little piece that adds up to where we want to go, we need to continuously feel gratitude, reflect on how much work we put into it and celebrate those little wins because they add up over time to the big picture.

[00:09:02] And we're always looking at the big picture, but over my twenties, I have learned how important it is to just focus on those little pieces. And how they get you there. And you can't learn that without time, because time is what proves that, time is what allows you to get to a place where you can say, okay, I have worked slowly towards a goal and now it's coming to fruition, but without time we have nothing to tell that.

[00:09:29] So I remember being so young in my twenties and just feeling like, hang on a graduated shouldn't I have the dream job, the dream boyfriend, the dream apartment, the dream trajectory. And what's most important is just like figuring it out one day at a time. Okay.

[00:09:46] So the second thing that I feel like is the most important guiding light that I've learned that I need to take with me that is continuously ever evolving. And this is perfect for what it is. It is that self love is a journey. There is no self love destination. There will be always days where you feel shitty, where you feel down, where you do not. And it's so hard to love yourself. So just say that again, self love is a journey. It is not a destination and learning that the hard way has meant.

[00:10:24] I will always, always, always be learning it. I will never. Just know, because there will always be more hurdles and unforeseen circumstances on that self-love journey, whether that is around my body. Cause it will forever be changing or whether that is around how I balance stress, because there will always be new stressors.

[00:10:49] Right. Change is the only constant we say, okay. Ultimately all that change throws at you. These questions of am I worthy of that? Can I take that on? Like, can I achieve that? Hang on. Now my body, I used to work out, you know, a few days and I'd be back on track and now it takes longer. Well, yes, because your body changes and I feel, yeah.

[00:11:12] Over that time. I've learned how self-love is such a journey and loving our body as a journey because every single day is different. Every single day, we feel different because we are so complex as individuals. And that to me is actually, what's so beautiful about it because if every day was the same and there was no journey and we were just here on this, this straight path, then if things.

[00:11:40] Not great if we were dark and we were in a dark our place, then things would continue to be. But because it is such a process and a journey, we're never just stuck in that one place. And I think for those of us who are going through tough times, that brings reassurance. And if you're in a good place, it's hard and scary to feel like it's going to go away, but it's not that it's going to go away.

[00:12:03] You can still hold on to that magic. You've created that goal you've achieved, but there will always be something else that shifts and makes you question and adjust and relearn. And if you're not learning, then what the heck are you doing? Right. Something else that has just really sat with me this week is that nothing is the end until you decided it is.

[00:12:31] And so I want to leave you guys with this one. Nothing is the end until you decided it is, is that you can always find another solution to a problem. You can always find another path to get somewhere. Nothing is over. Nothing is final. Nothing is the end of it all. Until it is, right. And until you decide it is until you say, this is enough for me, I'm walking away.

[00:13:01] And so this can be helpful and hopeful and inspirational for those who say, I'm really struggling to figure this out. I need another path. There is always another path, but when you've tried too many paths or when you're just at the end of your rope and you just can't anymore. It's up to you to decide it's the end, because it will never end until you choose for it to be, whether that is a relationship, a job, you know, the, your mindset, it's up to you, those choices.

[00:13:36] And there's so much more I could share with you. But I thought that these three things really sat with me. What do I feel like are the biggest anchors that have come with me from my twenties? And I have to really say that these are one day at a time, the self-love journey and that nothing is the end until you choose it to be.

[00:13:56] And so if this was helpful for any of you guys, I hope that it sort of shifted your mindset, helped you out. I'd love to hear how you feel about these little mini episodes. I'm so excited, nervous, um, you know, thrilled captivated, just really like at the edge of my seat of what's going to happen in this next decade for me. Whether that's career wise, personal with you all as well. And I can't wait to. Explore it and take it one day at a time.

[00:14:26] And so that's it for now. I love you all sending so much love. We've got this. September is going to rock and we're going to kill it. I love you. That's it for now.



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